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Availability heuristic

Actor-observer bias

“Everyone is responsible for their own behaviour… Except me!”

Barnum effect

“I see myself described accurately in vague and generic descriptions of personality."

Belief bias

“If it corresponds to my knowledge and beliefs, it must be true.”

Blind spot bias

“Other people are more biased than I. "

Choice supportive bias

“I exaggerate the benefits of an option after choosing it.”

Dunning-Kruger effect

"The less I am qualified, the more I overestimate my competence. The more I am qualified, the more I underestimate my competence."

Echo chamber

“Everyone seems to agree with me, so I must be right.”

Effort justification bias

“I evaluate an outcome relative to the amount of effort it took to achieve it.”

Fundamental attribution error

“I explain the actions of a person through their personal characteristics while underestimating the influence of the situation.”

Gambler's fallacy

"When I go to the casino, I choose machines that haven't won in a long time since they are due to win."

Hindsight bias

“I knew it was going to happen all along. "

Illusion of knowledge

"I am under the impression that I know and understand more than what I really know and understand."

Illusion of transparency

“I believe my thoughts and feelings are more accessible to others than they actually are.”

Illusory correlation

“I am convinced there is a link between two events I have witnessed, but they are not related.”

Near bias effect

"We care less about future experiences than we do about near ones. "

Optimism bias

"It won't happen to me; it only happens to others."

Outgroup homogeneity bias

“I tend to underestimate the differences among members of a group when I am not part of it.”

Repetition effect

"I judge repeated information as being more likely to be true than new information."

Self-serving bias

"If I succeed, it is my doing, but if I fail, it is not my fault."

Zeigarnik effect

"I remember interrupted or ongoing tasks and problems more easily than I remember ones that are completed or solved."

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